Course Description

An overview of twelve media technologies, including print, photography, motion pictures, advertising and public relations, telegraph and telephone, radio, television, computers, Internet, and globalization. We will examine the technical development of each technology, the function of each, and the impact each had on the cultures adopting it.

This is a three-unit (3) class: you’re expected to spend an average of nine (9) hours working on each module.

Learning Objectives

In this course, we will aim to accomplish the following:

  1. learning the history and evolution of media technologies, including print, electronic, and digital media
  2. understanding the relationship between media and society
  3. building a foundation for more advanced and in-depth courses in media studies

Remote Online Asynchronous Course

This course will be conducted remotely over the Internet.

All course material is available on the course website at Assignments are are available on CUNY Brightspace.

All learning activities will be asynchronous, meaning that you will complete learning activities on your own time by the deadlines noted on this course website.

The learning activities are divided into twelve modules. For each module, there will be:

  • assigned readings from the textbook, listed in the course schedule on the course website,
  • a set of pre-recorded video lectures, available on Brightspace, with captions and a transcript
  • a reading quiz, available on CUNY Brightspace, about the assigned readings,
  • a lecture quiz, available on CUNY Brightspace, about the lecture videos

After four modules, there will be an exam on the material you have covered.

Although the course is asynchronous, you must complete each module, each quiz, and each exam by the deadline specified on this course website.

CUNY Brightspace

We will be using Brightspace for all graded assignments, including quizzes and exams.

Sign in using your CUNY Login, not your college-specific address (the one you use for email).

Loaner Devices for Remote Instruction

Queens College offers loaner devices to students who need them for remote instruction. Contact Queens College ITS for how to request a device.


Juan Monroy

Office Hours

Office hours are held remotely. Sign up for an appointment at

  • Remote via Zoom: I will email you a Microsoft Teams meeting link for you to join the meeting

The G Building News

The Media Studies department has a newsletter. The newsletter aims to offer students an accessible platform to be informed about campus and departmental events, and hiring opportunities within the field. With all that happens throughout the semester, The G Building News overs the projects of students and faculty to inspire creativity and potential collaborations.

“The G Building News. Stay Informed. Stay Creative.”

Subscribe today at

Counseling Services at Queens College

Counseling Services are available to any Queens College student. They assist students with personal concerns that can affect their enjoyment of and success in college. Services are free and confidential. All sessions take place on Zoom or by telephone, depending on student preference.

To make an appointment, students should call 718–997–5420 and leave a message with their phone number and CUNY ID. You can also e-mail to set up an appointment.

Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities needing academic accommodation should register with the Special Services Office by emailing​. For more information about services available to Queens College students, visit the Office of Special Services website:

CUNY Policy on Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion as provided at

Welcome Survey

Please complete the Welcome Survey CUNY Brightspace for this course.

The survey serves to ensure that you can access Brightspace and that you agree to abide by the course policies.

Please complete the Welcome Survey by the deadline posted on Brightspace. If you cannot complete this by the deadline, please email me. Otherwise, I will have to report you as not attending the class and you will be dropped from the course.


There are twelve modules and three exams for this course.

Modules—four at a time—are released on Tuesday and are due the following Monday at 11:59 PM. See the course website for exact dates.


Each module requires you to read a chapter or two from the following textbook:

Complete the readings first. Take notes and pay attention to the headings to help you understand how the chapter is organized.


Each module requires you to watch a recorded lecture. The recorded lecture is split into a series of videos, between three and five videos, and each video is between five and twelve minutes in length.

Each video contains captions and a transcript generated by Brightspace.

The videos move through the course material quicker than an in-person lecture. As you watch each video, pause and rewind the video as necessary to take notes on the material. This will help ensure you’re ingesting the course material.

Each video is listed on the course schedule below.


For each module, you will take two quizzes: one on the assigned readings and one on the recorded lectures.

Reading Quizzes

Each module requires you to take a quiz on the readings from the textbook. Each reading quiz consists of a mix of true-false and multiple-choice questions. The quiz will be available on CUNY Brightspace.

Note the quiz deadlines on the course schedule and on CUNY Brightspace. Quizzes will will not be accepted after they close on CUNY Brightspace.

There will be a total of twelve quizzes. I will drop your two lowest reading quiz scores. The remaining ten quizzes are collectively worth 33% of your final grade.

Lecture Quizzes

Each module requires you to take a quiz on the lectures from the textbook. Each lecture quiz consists of a mix of true-false and multiple-choice questions. The quiz will be available on CUNY Brightspace.

Note the quiz deadlines on the course schedule and on CUNY Brightspace. Quizzes will will not be accepted after they close on CUNY Brightspace.

There will be a total of twelve quizzes. I will drop your two lowest lecture quiz scores. The remaining ten quizzes are collectively worth 33% of your final grade.


You are required to complete three exams. Each exam will consist of objective questions, a mix of true-and-false and multiple-choice, and subjective questions, requiring answers in the form of explanations. Your answers to the exam questions should synthesize what you learned in the recorded lectures and the textbook readings.

Exams are available on CUNY Brightspace, linked below on the course schedule

  1. Exam 1: modules 1–4
  2. Exam 2: modules 5–8
  3. Exam 3: modules 9–12

All three exams are required and constitute 34% of your final grade:

  • your highest score: 16% of your final grade
  • your second-highest exam score: 10% of your final grade
  • your lowest exam score: 8% of your final grade

All exams must be submitted by the deadline. Exams will not be accepted after each closes on CUNY Brightspace.

Course Schedule

As this course is asynchronous, you may complete each module as your schedule permits. However, the due dates for each assignment—including quizzes, lectures, and exams—are firm and must be completed on-time in order to receive credit. Please plan accordingly.

Getting Started

  • Make sure you have access our course on CUNY Brightspace. Sign in with your Microsoft 365 account, not your account
  • Read the policies governing this course
  • Get the required textbook: Revolutions in Communication, 2nd ed.
  • Complete the Welcome Survey by the deadline posted on CUNY Brightspace. If you cannot complete this last step the deadline, please contact me. Otherwise I will have to report you as not attending the class and you will be dropped.
  • Begin work for Module 1

Module 1 • Early Print

Gutenberg launches a print revolution in Europe that ultimately leads to several other revolutions: the Protestant Reformation, the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, the Free Press, and the American and French Revolutions, as well as the Partisan Press.

  • Read Kovarik, Chapter 1, “The Divine Art.”
    • As you await the arrival of your textbook, I am providing the reading as a PDF on Brightspace.
    • Available as an ebook to one user at a time from Queens College Library
  • Watch the recorded lectures on Brightspace:
    1. Gutenberg Revolution (6 min.)
    2. Print Revolution (1 min.)
    3. Knowledge Revolutions (6 min.)
    4. Early Print and the Press (7 min)
  • Watch the video on the Gutenberg Press:
  • Complete Reading Quiz 1: Early Print on CUNY Brightspace
  • Complete Lecture Quiz 1: Early Print on CUNY Brightspace

Module 2 • Mass Print

The introduction of steam power to printing presses at the beginning of the 19th century radically changes the nature of print, its scale, and the content to reach a mass audience like never before possible.

  • Read Kovarik, Chapter 2, “The Commercial and Industrial Media Revolution, 1814–1900.”
    • As you await the arrival of your textbooks, I am providing the reading as a PDF on Brightspace
    • Available as an ebook to one user at a time from Queens College Library
  • Watch the recorded lectures on Brightspace:
    1. Mechanical Print (8 min.)
    2. Penny Press (13 min.)
    3. Progressive Era (9 min.)
  • Watch videos on printing processes:
  • Complete Reading Quiz 2: Mass Print on CUNY Brightspace
  • Complete Lecture Quiz 2: Mass Print on CUNY Brightspace

Module 3 • Contemporary Print

Print would serve as a muckraker, a reformer, a war correspondent, a tool of authoritarian governments, the voice of the marginalized, a watchdog, and finally, a way to wrap fish.

  • Read Kovarik, Chapter 3, “Print Media in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries.”
  • Watch the recorded lectures on Brightspace:
    1. Progressive Era (7 min.)
    2. Wartime Censorship (6 min.)
    3. Watchdog Role (10 min.)
    4. End of Print (6 min.)
  • Complete Reading Quiz 3: Contemporary Print on CUNY Brightspace
  • Complete Lecture Quiz 3: Contemporary Print on CUNY Brightspace

Module 4 • Photography

In the nineteenth century, inventors improve how to use chemicals to expose light and record it on various media; thus bringing photography to existence. Since then, photography would move from the portrait studio, to the battlefield, and to our own pockets.


Exam 1

Exam 1 covers the material for the Modules 1–4 and is available on CUNY Brightspace

Module 5 • Motion Pictures

The development of motion pictures in the nineteenth century has made possible an entire industry and new form of entertainment that has captivated us—in different ways—in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.


Module 6 • Advertising and Public Relations

Advertising and Public Relations rise with print and broadcasting to persuade the public throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century and, of course, using digital technologies in the twenty-first century.

  • Read Kovarik, Chapter 6, “Advertising, Public Relations, and the Crafted Image”
  • Watch the recorded lectures on Brightspace:
    1. Advertising (14 min.)
    2. Public Relations (10 min.)
  • Read “How Companies Learn Your Secrets,” New York Times, February 19, 2012
  • Complete Reading Quiz 6: Advertising and Public Relations on CUNY Brightspace
  • Complete Lecture Quiz 6: Advertising and Public Relations on CUNY Brightspace

Module 7 • Telegraph and Telephone

The telegraph and telephone both emerge in the nineteenth century, inaugurating the electronic communications era, and both building immense corporate, communication empires in the process.

  • Read Kovarik, Chapter 7, The First Electronic Revolution: Telegraph and Telephone"
  • Watch the recorded lectures on CUNY Brightspace:
    1. What is Telegraphy? (4 min.)
    2. Electromagnetic Telegraph (9 min.)
    3. Invention of the Telephone (6 min.)
    4. Bell and the AT&T Monopoly (7 min.)
  • Complete Reading Quiz 7: Telegraph and Telephone on CUNY Brightspace
  • Complete Lecture Quiz 7: Telegraph and Telephone on CUNY Brightspace

Module 8 • Radio

The discovery of electromagnetism in the nineteenth century opened new possibilities: wireless telegraph, wireless telephone, broadcast radio, and even other uses—from Wi-Fi to podcasting.

  • Read Kovarik, Chapter 8, “The New World of Radio”
  • Watch the recorded lectures on Brightspace:
    1. Early Radio and Wireless Telegraphy (8 min.)
    2. Wireless Telephony and Voice (5 min.)
    3. RCA and Commercial Broadcasting (13 min.)
    4. Segmentation and Consolidation (9 min.)
  • Complete Reading Quiz 8: Radio on CUNY Brightspace
  • Complete Lecture Quiz 8: Radio on CUNY Brightspace

Exam 2

Exam 2 covers the material for the Modules 5–8 and is available on CUNY Brightspace.

Module 9 • Television

The invention of electronic televisions creates a new communications empire for radio companies in the United States. It ultimately becomes the dominant communications medium of the 20th century.


Module 10 • Computers

The development of digital computers since the mid–20th century had made it possible to expand what we as humans can do.


Module 11 • Internet

Digital networks that developed in the post-World War II era and the proliferation of computers offered to extend the possibilities of what humans can do with computers and their networks. But who would control these networks?

  • Read Kovarik, Chapter 11, “Digital Networks”
  • Watch the recorded lectures on Brightspace:
    1. Invention (9 min.)
    2. Computer Networks (9 min.)
    3. World Wide Web (6 min.)
    4. Control (9 min.)
  • Complete Reading Quiz 11: Internet on CUNY Brightspace
  • Complete Lecture Quiz 11: Internet on CUNY Brightspace

Module 12 • Media and Global Culture

The global digital revolution—made possible by the communications technology and global social networks—has brought us back to rethink how communication can change our world and how we have to protect the freedom to communicate.

  • Read Kovarik, Chapter 12, “Global Culture”
  • Watch the recorded lectures on Brightspace:
    1. Revolution in Communications (4 min.)
    2. Command and Control (7 min.)
    3. Peer-to-Peer Networks (15 min.)
    4. Media and Global Culture (8 min.)
  • Complete Reading Quiz 12: Media and Global Culture on CUNY Brightspace
  • Complete Lecture Quiz 12: Media and Global Culture on CUNY Brightspace

Exam 3

Exam 3 covers the material for the Modules 9–12 and is available on CUNY Brightspace