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- Media Technologies
- Media Technologies: Photography
- Photography
- capturing light
- exposure
- shutter speed (time)
- aperture (focal length/aperture size)
- sensitivity
- lens
- focal length
- depth of field
- Camera Obscura
- ancient device
- “dark room”
- tool for portrait painters
- tracing tool
- developed the tool for their own destruction
- tool for long exposure photography
- Camera Lucida
- 19th century
- prism
- improved tool for portrait painters
- Photosensitive Chemicals
- could “record” the light
- Johann Schulze, 1727
- salts darken in open air
- silver compound darkened when exposed to light
- Attempts in Chemical Photography
- Thomas Wedgewood, 1792
- Humphrey Davy, 1802
- Joseph Nicephore Niepce, 1814
- coated tin plate with asphalt
- exposed plate in camera obscura
- “La cour du domain du gras,” 1826
- Daguerrotype
- Louis Daguerre, 1838
- French painter and theatrical producer
- camera and portrait painter
- promoter of his new photographic device
- single photographic plate
- covered in silver
- exposed to iodine fumes
- covered in mercury
- fixed with sodium thiosulfate (“hypo”)
- Calotype
- William Fox Talbot
- English botanist
- plants
- contact studies against photosensitive surface
- silver chloride
- negative exposure
- contact positives
- reproducible photo prints
- images were fuzzy compared to daguerrotype
- Wet Collodion Process
- Ambrotype
- wet collodion process
- variation on Archer’s process
- positive image on a glass plate
- prints on paper
- Tintype
- Dry Plate Photography
- Richard Maddox, 1871
- silver bromide
- gelatin process
- simpler than wet collodion process
- George Eastman
- Celluloid Film
- Hannibal Goodwin
- cellulose and nitric acid
- translucent medium for photography
- George Eastman
- patented celluloid roll film
- Kodak, first camera to use roll film, 1888
- Kodak
- George Eastman
- roll film, 1888
- “you push the button, we do the rest"
- fixed focus, aperture, shutter speed
- $25.00 with 100 pictures
- sent to Kodak: received prints and reloaded camera
- Magic Lantern Shows
- travel photographs
- colored slides
- audiences would pay to hear about distant locations
- Crimean War
- Indian Mutiny
- US Civil War
- John Thomson
- Jacob Riis
- Lewis Hine
- American sociologist and photographer
- documented powerless
- reform: child labor laws
- US Farm Relocation Administration
- New Deal, 1935–1943
- documented lives of displaced farmers
- famous photographers of 20th century
- Photographic Magazines
- Henry Luce
- Time magazine, 1923
- Life magazine, 1936
- photojournalism
- Illustrated London News: emphasized photos over text
- “To see life, to see the world; to eyewitness great events; to watch faces of the poor and the gestures of the proud…”
- imitators: Look and Paris Match
- War Photography
- Robert Capa
- Spanish Civil War, “Falling Solider,” 1936
- World War II, Omaha Beach, D-Day
- Margaret Bourke-White
- liberation of Buchenwald, 1945
- Joe Rosenthal
- raising of the US flag at Iwo Jima, 1945
- Alfred Eisenstaedt
- Times Square, VJ Day, 1945
- Polaroid
- Edwin Land, 1948
- instant camera
- roll film and then instant “plates”
- Japanese point-and-shoots
- Konica C35 AF (“Japusin”)
- Minolta, Canon, Nikon
- auto focus
- late–1970s
- Digital Photography
- photons captured by charge-coupled devices (CCD)
- developed at Bell Laboratories, 1973
- Willard Boyle and George Smith
- first digital camera
- Digital Images
- large computer files
- CompuServe
- Graphic Interexchange Format (GIF), late 1980s
- 8-bit computer images: 256 colors
- Kodak
- Joint Photographic Experts Group
- standardized compression and transmission
- JPEG, 1992
- 3 8-bit channels: 16 million colors
- open source format
- Democratizing Photography
- digital photography replacing photochemical film
- improved access and participation
- emergence of photo sharing
- Flickr, 2004
- Instagram
- Pinterest, 2010
- Ethics
- spirit photographers: fake photographs of ghosts over portraits
- cut-and-paste to alter photographs
- balance between sensationalism and public service
- “Photoshopping”: digital tools make it easier
- Time darkening OJ Simpson portrait, 1994
- Los Angeles Times, Iraq War
- Photo Fakes and Manipulation
- Millard Tydings and Earl Browder
- John Kerry and Jane Fonda
- National Geographic and Giza Pyramids
- Tourist Guy
- The Situation Room