- Home
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- Media Technologies
- Media Technologies: Media and Globalization
- Global Digital Revolution
- worldwide networking
- peer-to-peer communication
- replacing top-down mass media
- Wiki
- Ward Cunningham, 1995
- wiki: Hawaiian word for “quick”
- collaborative editing on a web page
- Wikipedia
- encyclopedia projects
- Denis Diderot, Encylcopdie, 1751
- Encyclopedia Britannica, 1768
- Whole Earth Catalog, 1968
- wiki: collaborative effort
- Jimmy Wales and Lawrence Sanger, 2001
- early attempt with Nupedia
- free encyclopedia
- accessible by everyone
- Wikileaks
- Julian Assange, 2006
- a global dropbox for leaks from business and government
- a watchdog over powerful institutions
- Chelsea Manning, 250,000 secret diplomatic cables, 2011
- pressure on web hosting companies to shut down Wikileaks
- Wikipedia Effect
- people contributing to a free encyclopedia without any reward?
- intrinsic reward
- James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of the Crowds
- Howard Reingold, Smart Mobs
- Clay Shirky, Cognitive Surplus
- Social Media Sites
- Web 2.0 sites
- user-generated content
- walled gardens
- closed from the open Internet and world wide web
- Facebook
- peer-to-peer social network
- Mark Zuckerberg, 2004
- predecessors
- university face books, 1990s
- SixDegrees and SocialNet, 1990s
- Friendster, 2002
- MySpace, 2003
- walled garden
- Twitter
- employees at Odeo, 2006
- mini-blog by mobile SMS
- message broadcast to followers
- popularity exploded at SXSW Conference, 2007
- “culture of generosity”
- life-threatening emergencies
- sharing insights into favorite restaurants
- trails Facebook in terms of users and engagement
- eBay
- Pierre Omidyar, 1995
- decentralized
- service for users to buy and sell to each other
- depends on the large “network effect” of the Internet
- Craiglist
- Craig Newmark, 1995
- started as a free email list service
- replaced newspaper classified advertising
- revenue from “help wanted”ads
- Sharing Economy
- peer-to-peer exchanges enabled by the network
- operate largely unregulated in regulated industries
- Uber and Lyft
- ride sharing
- displacing taxi companies
- AirBnB
- travelers and hosts with spare accommodations
- displacing hotels and bed-and-breakfasts
- Relay Ride
- Spinlister
- peer-to-peer bicycle and sporting goods rentals
- Tethered Apps
- mobile devices
- information appliances
- top-down computing
- reinforces the Internet as a closed, walled garden
- contrast to the open computing platforms of open systems
- open source software
- Internet
- world wide web
- Long Tail Marketing
- marketing to niche and specialized markets
- Amazon, 1994
- Jeff Bezos
- online bookstore
- Netflix, 1997
- Reed Hastings
- DVD-by-mail service
- on-demand movie and television service
- both companies have become major content producers for niche audiences
- Principles of Free Expression
- United Nations, Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
- Article 7: equal protection of the law, non-discrimination
- Article 19: freedom of opinion or expression
- Article 29: rights, duties, and freedoms of community; morality, public order, and the general welfare in a democratic society
- democracy and free speech are on the rise
- authoritarian regimes reasserting their control
- Technologies of Freedom
- Ithiel de Sola Pool, Technologies of Freedom, 1983
- convergence of electronic and print technologies in the digital sphere
- civil society must expand free speech and free press
- free speech must apply to all technologies
- Ray Kurzweil, 1987
- Soviet Union would be swept away by decentralized communication
- satellite television
- mobile phones
- 1991 coup, empowered by hackers and teletype
- “communication empowers”
- John Perry Barlow, Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace, 1996
- not just governments that are powerful
- corporations can control cyberspace
- Political Speech
- United States: First Amendment to the Constitution
- guarantees right to free political speech, including criticism
- Obama administration admonished The Innocence of Muslims video during 2012 Arab Spring
- President Trump has called critical journalism “fake news” and threatened legislative action
- Turkey: president promises to abolish Twitter
- China, Great Firewall
- internet police: 30,000 censors
- blocks access to searches to Tiananmen Square
- Google offered a sanitized version of google.cn http://google.cn, 2006
- Reporters without Borders
- Enemies of the Internet
- identified nations that violate Internet freedom:
- Saudi Arabia
- Burma
- China
- North Korea
- Cuba
- Egypt
- Iran
- Uzbekistan
- Syria
- Tunisia
- Turkmenistan
- Vietnam
- Religious Criticism
- an important part of Protestant Reformation
- laws and customs against sacrilegious speech
- global communication brings about “points of tension”
- Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses, 1998
- Jyllands-Posten, depicting Mohammed in an unfavorable way, 2005
- Innocence of Muslims, video on YouTube, 2012
- Charlie Hebbdo, “Where Moslems Come From,” 2015
- Organization of Islamic Cooperation: laws against blasphemy should be reformed or repealed
- United Nations: International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1969
- International Communications Commissions
- commissions to guarantee freedom and flow of expression
- Communication Rights in the Information Age: right to communicate
- UNESCO: Sean McBride report, Many Voices, One World, 1980
- unequal flow of global communication
- rich north: industrial West—poor south: developing nations
- recommendations to develop media systems in the information-poor nations
- New World Information and Communication Order: international theory of social responsibility
- International Technology Governing Bodies
- International Telecommunication Union, 1865
- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, placed under international administration, 2016