
Write a Film Research and Analysis essay about a New York City film, released after 1920, that is listed in my “Film and NYC” list on Letterboxd.

Your analysis should address both of the following:

  1. the style of the film using the formal elements we studied and are listed in Writing About Movies, on pages 39–50:
    • narrative
    • mise-en-scène
    • acting
    • cinematography
    • editing
    • sound
  2. the cultural meaning of the film, according to at least one of the following cultural dimensions, as described in chapter four of Writing About Movies:

    • representation of socioeconomic status
    • representation of gender
    • representation of race, ethnicity, national origin
    • representation of sexual orientation
    • genre conventions
    • aesthetic history
    • auteurism
    • social history

Use the writing exercises we’ve done throughout the semester to determine how you will analyze the film.


This is an optional assignment.

On Microsoft Teams, submit a proposal of your analysis modeled on the Organizing and Outlining assignment.

Your draft should include:

  • a summary of your film
  • an evaluation of your film
  • a description of three sequences that support your evaluation of your film; each description should be a paragraph in length
  • a description of two formal elements and how they are used in your sequences; each description should be a paragraph in length
  • an analysis of at least two research sources, where you incorporate some quotes from each source based on your evaluation of the film;
  • a reference to the cultural meaning of the film, based on at least one cultural dimension listed above; each description should be a paragraph in length

Submit your Draft on Microsoft Teams under the assignment titled “Film Research and Analysis, Proposal.” The deadline is listed on the course website.

Final Essay

This is a required assignment.

Write an essay, of at least 1,500 words, that analyzes the formal and cultural elements of the film you selected.

Your essay should include the following:

  • an introduction
  • a brief summary of the film
  • a brief description of your evaluation of the film
  • a one-paragraph description of your methodology for analyzing the film
  • an analysis of three sequences from the film, focusing on:
    • formal elements
    • cultural dimensions
  • incorporate at least three historical sources into your analysis of a sequence, including
    • at least one secondary source
    • at least one primary source
  • a conclusion

Format your document according to the following specifications:

  • use the Word document attached to the Microsoft Teams assignment
  • double space your text
  • select a typeface that is tasteful and reflects your personality
  • include page numbers
  • cite your research according to either MLA or Chicago Manual of Style
  • title your essay that foreshadows the subject of your essay
  • quote properly
  • include a Works Cited section in the same document as your essay; do not make a separate document

Submit your Essay on Microsoft Teams under the assignment titled “Film Research and Analysis, Essay.” The deadline is listed on the course website.