In the decades following World War II, the urge to define a distinct national filmmaking style was replaced by a growing cooperative and international spirit. New wave and experimental film movements emerged throughout the world. These cinematic “new waves” were often led by young filmmakers who rejected the films of older generations and looked to each other—regardless of national heritage—for new stylistic approaches to filmmaking. One common trait that new wave and postwar experimental filmmakers shared was a rejection of conventional (and commercial) use of formal elements.
In this second writing assignment, discuss how one of the films we’ve studied in the postwar years rejects a conventional use of one of the following formal elements:
You may select films in the following Letterboxd lists:
I recommend selecting two or more scenes from your chosen film and analyzing at least one of the formal elements listed above.
Your analysis should also consider the scene you selected in the context of the overall plot of the film and the motivations of the filmmaker working in a particular national context or in a countercultural environment.
Be sure to describe the sequences you’re analyzing in detail. Do not use timecode: it doesn’t help me visualize the scene you’re discussing in your paper. Feel free to include a few screen captures from the film in your paper to illustrate your description of the sequence. Do not analyze the entire film, and do not summarize the plot. Also, do not use the word “successful” (or a synonym) anywhere in your essay.
You don’t need to include any outside research for this assignment. But please remember to italicize the title of the films—don’t put the title in quotes.
Your paper should be about 1200 words in length and is due in class on the date specified on the syllabus. Please do not email me your paper. Upload a double-spaced PDF document to Canvas to the assignment named “Essay 2: New Wave Cinema.”