
Answer four (4) of the following questions with a one-paragraph response, about four to five sentences. 25 points each.

  1. The invention of the cinema in the late nineteenth century was hardly an immediate or individualistic process. It required many steps and persons in realizing the birth of motion pictures. Describe two technologies, inventions, or activities that were instrumental in the invention of the cinema.
  2. What were some of the factors in the rise of one of the avant-garde film movements in France in the 1920s? What were goals of the filmmakers of Impressionism, Surrealism, or Cinema Pur movements? How did their films realize those goals?
  3. How did the October Revolution contribute to the rise of the montage film movement in the newly formed Soviet Union during the 1920s? How was film an instrument of the state during this period? What led to the end of this movement?
  4. German Expression was one of the most influential film movements of the silent era. How did this film movement start in the early 1920s? What were the goals of the filmmakers of this movement? How did their films realize those goals?
  5. The Great Depression radically impacted all aspects of life during the 1930s. Explain two ways that the effects of the Great Depression were felt in Hollywood through the filmmaking process, in the subject matter of the films, and/or in the experiences of the filmgoing public. Specify names and titles as appropriate.
  6. British filmmaker John Grierson famously defined documentary as the “creative treatment of actuality.” Explain how this definition might be applied to a documentary film we studied for this class, especially one that uses elements of film style—narration, cinematography, editing, mise-en-scène, sound—in creative or innovative ways.


Write your responses in a document that clearly identifies the question you are answering (e.g., “Question 2”). Kindly print and bring a hard copy to class on the date specified on the syllabus.