V Waveform
V amplitude
* height of wave
* measured in bels (B) or decibels (dB)
V wavelength
* length of a wave
* cycle (frequency)
* frequency (pitch) measured in cycles per second Hertz
* audible range: 20-20,000 Hz
V Development Stage
* sound is vibrations
V recording sound
* "writing" those vibrations on a medium
V Eduouard-Leon Scott de Martinville
* hog's hair bristle and a funnel
* scratched the liquid surface (lamp black)
V Thomas Edison (1877)
* black foil cylinders
* playback by repositioning the needle on the surface
V Office Recording Machines
V Edison's phonograph (1877)
* patent for a type of answering machine
V Chichester Bell and Charles Sumner Tainter's graphophone (1886)
* wax cylinder
* complement the telephone
V Popular Music is Popular
* pre-recorded music on cylinders
* popular but difficult to mass produce
* cylinders were not very durable
V Berliner's Gramophone (1887)
* flat round disks
* zinc, coated with beeswax
* played on a turntable
* disks can be mass produced by pressing
* stamped with labels to differentiate title, performer, composer
V Victor Talking Machine Company
V Victrola (1906)
* record player inside a piece of furniture
* crank operated (1906)
* electrically operated (1925)
* an essential consumer goods by the 1920s
V Phonographs
* 10-inch, 78 rpm record became the standard
* sales hurt by radio and the Great Depression
* made of shellac until WWII
V made from polyvinyl
* more durable
* better sound fidelity
V RCA vs. CBS format war
V CBS introduced 33 1/3 rpm long-playing record (1948)
* 20 minutes of music on each side
* created market for multisong albums and longer classical music
V RCA developed a competing 45-rpm (1949)
* quarter-sized hole for jukeboxes
* invigorated market for sales of songs heard on jukeboxes
* incompatible formats
V truce reached in 1953
* LP became standard for long-playing albums
* 45s became standard for singles
* record players were designed to play both formats
V magnetic tape
V developed in the 1930s
* reel to reel
* too much tape required to make a recording
* tape would break easily due to brittleness
V AGFA (German company) during WWII years used plastic magnetic tapes
* more durable
* sound editing
* multitrack mixing
V multichannel sound
V stereophonic sound (1931)
* Alan Blumlein
* commercially available in 1958
* recorded many different instruments which were mixed down to two, stereo tracks
V quadrophonic sound (1971)
* four-track sound
* did not catch on commercially
V Cassette Tapes (1960s)
* Portability of music
* Home dubbing: copy music from records or radio
* Sony Walkman
V digital recording
* Thomas Stockham, digital recorder in 1967
V analog vs. digital
* fluctuations
* encoded into binary
V compact discs
* Philips and Sony
* lower cost than vinyl
* debuted in 1983
* surpassed LP sales in 1987
V file-based recording media
* MP3 (1992) Motion Pictures Expert Group
* compressed file size, making exchange and storage easier
* Napster
* Supreme Court ruled against file-sharing services