- Home
- Introduction to Media Industries
- Convergence
- Competition
- monopoly
- oligopoly
- limited competition
- Conglomeration
- regulation
- age of scarcity
- seven-station rule (1934)
- duopoly rule: cannot own more than one station in a local
- relaxed to twelve stations in 1980s
- newspaper-broadcast cross ownership rules (1975)
- Financial Rules on Syndication (1971)
- Prime Time Access Rule (1971)
- deregulation
- age of abundance
- Telecommunications Act 1996
- radio
- national restrictions: eliminated number of stations
- local restrictions: can own up to eight stations in the
largest markets
- television
- national restrictions: eliminated number of stations
- local restrictions: can have a duopoly in the largest
- cannot reach more to 39% of the national audience (yes,
it’s confusing)
- newspaper-broadcast cross ownership rules (2007)
- Conglomeration
- mergers and acquisitions
- ITT merger with ABC 1963
- AT&T Breakup 1984
- General Electric acquires RCA 1986
- Disney acquires ABC 1995
- Time Warner acquires Turner 1995
- AOL acquires Time Warner 2001
- AT&T Cable merger with Comcast 2001
- Comcast acquisition of NBC 2009
- Fordism
- flexible markets
- Convergence
- magazines, radio, and cable TV specialized markets
- synergy extended to international markets
- digital media
- digital media conglomerates
- Amazon
- Apple
- Facebook
- Google
- Microsoft
- Culture
- purpose of copyright to promote science and useful arts
- hegemony
- cultural imperialism