Each exam covers the readings and lectures from material covered in class sessions and is based on the review questions and the testable terms.

As this exam is subjective, your score will be based on how well you explain your response and demonstrate your understanding of the course material, more than providing the “correct answer.”

The exam consists of the following types of questions:

  1. Identification

    In two-to-three sentences, identify the term and describe its significance for the media technology in question.
    For example:

    What Hath God Wrought?
    What Hath God Wrought was the first message transmitted by telegraphy between Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail. The message travelled between Baltimore and Washington in May 1844, and it suggests the wondrous possibilities of this machine.
  2. Short Answer

    Answer the question with a one-paragraph response, about four-to-five sentences in length.

    For example:

    Who were the “muckrakers” and what did they do?
    The muckrakers were investigative journalists who emerged at the turn of the 20th century. They would write in magazines and newspapers to uncover government and corporate corruption and abuses. An example of a muckraker is Nellie Bly, who went undercover at a New York asylum to expose abuses of patients. The work of muckrakers would lead to the Progressive Era reforms such as electoral reform, housing reform, and food and drug safety laws.