V 1 Computers and the Military
V 1.1 electronic computer
* John Vincent Atanasoff
* World War II
* deployed for military use
V 1.2 Colossus
* British Secret Service
* Alan Turing
* crack Nazi codes
* electronic numerical integrator and calculator
* processed calculations for the hydrogen bomb
V 1.4 SAGE Air Defense
* Wide Area Network (WAN)
* modems
* warned of coming Russian bombers
V 1.5 Livermore California atomic weapon lab
* linked computers
* local area network
V 2 Advanced Research Projects Agency
* 2.1 branch of Defense department
* 2.2 started in 1958 in response to Sputnik launching
* 2.3 cooperated with research universities
* 2.4 headed by J.C.R. Licklider
V 3.1 distributed network
* computer network
* decentralized
* designed to survive nuclear attack
V 3.2 first connection
* between UCLA and Stanford
* November 1969
* message: "login"
* resulted in both computers crashing
V 3.3 first public demonstration in 1972
* email communication
* *internetting*: a network of networks
V 4 Technical Standards
* 4.1 "Esperanto for machines"
V 4.2 packet switching
* Paul Baran
* fundamental mode of communication for the Internet
V 4.3 TCP/IP
* Vincent Cerf
V 4.4 Internet names and numbers
* Jon Postel
V 4.5 electronic mail
* Ray Tomlinson
V 5 Alto
* 5.1 Xerox PAC
* 5.2 first personal computer
* 5.3 1973
V 5.4 desktop metaphor
* mouse
V 5.5 Ethernet
* high-speed LAN
* Bob Metcalfe
V 6 Altair 8800
* 6.1 microcomputer, 1975
* 6.2 mail order
V 6.3 Altair BASIC
* written by Bill Gates
* Microsoft's first product
V 6.4 specs
* Intel 8080 processor
* 256 bytes
* front panel with lights
* $400 kit. assembled for $500.
V 6.5 Apple II
* personal computer, 1977
* Steve Jobs and Wozniak
V 6.6 Macintosh
* 1984
* graphic user interface
V Hypercard
* linking on keywords or icons
V 7 Prestel
* 7.1 1979
* 7.2 Great Britain
V 7.3 Videotex
* TV set displays
* text only
V 8 Bulletin Board Systems
* 8.1 exchange email
* 8.2 post opinions
* 8.3 upload and download information
V 9 Closed Networks
* email for university professors
* discussion group system
V 10 NSFNet
* 10.1 National Science Foundation
* 10.2 1986
* 10.3 merged existing networks
V 11 Commercial Internet
* 11.1 NSF withdrew funding
* 11.2 opened network to commercial users in 1991
* 11.3 post Cold War
V 12 World Wide Web
* 12.1 Tim Berners-Lee
* 12.2 1991
* 12.3 hypertext markup language
V 12.4 World Wide Web
* linked documents
* transporting text documents across computer networks
V 13 Mosaic
* 13.1 Mark Anderseen
* 13.2 University of Illinois
* 13.3 first graphical world wide web browser
* 13.4 average computer user could browse the web
* 13.5 basis for Netscape (eventually Firefox)
V 14 Internet Boom
* 14.1 Netscape had 50 million users
* 14.2 America Online
V 14.3
* electronic bookstore
* Jeff Bezos
V 14.4 eBay
* online auction
V 14.5 Yahoo
* Internet directory and portal
V 14.6 Google
* search engine
V 15 Bust
* 15.1 AOL-Time Warner merger
V 15.2 Netscape displaced by Internet Explorer
* dominance of Windows
* it was free
* 15.3 bubble burst
* 15.4 2001 recession
V 16 Trends
V 16.1 Moore's Law
* processing power doubles
V 16.2 Metcalfe's Law
* value of the Internet increases rapidly with the number of users
V 16.3 Processing power
V in the past, to make computers more powerful
* MHz-GHz battle
V recently, the trend has reversed to make them more compact and efficient
* netbooks
* tablets
V 17 Presence of Computers
* 17.1 iPod
* 17.2 DVR
* 17.3 LCD screens
* 17.4 convergence
V 18 Control
V 18.1 content restrictions
V Communications Decency Act
* ban indecent material
* ruled unconstitutional
* cyberstalking
* cyberbullying
* gaming addiction
V 18.2 political communication
* politically obscene
V France's ban
* Nazi souvenirs
V China's ban
* government criticism
* Pro-Tibetan websites
V North Korean
* access to the outside world
V 18.3 intellectual property
* file sharing
* piracy
V 18.4 network access
* "digital divide"
* limited access to Internet for poor
V 18.5 international oversight
* Internet Architecture Board
* Internet Engineering Task Force
* Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
V 19 Internet and Social Media
V 19.1 Web 2.0
* Facebook
* Twitter
* YouTube
* Flickr
* Wikipedia
V 19.2 New Media
* inexpensive production costs
* interactive
* social
V 19.3 Walled Garden
* sandboxed access apps
* open Internet is off limits
V 20 Impact on Mass Media
V 20.1 Advertising
* Google
V 20.2 Classified Advertising
* Craig's List
V 20.3 Recording Industry
* File sharing
* iTunes
V 20.4 Print
* Tablets
* E-Readers
V 21 Review
* 21.1 Electronic Publishing
* 21.2 Entertainment
* 21.3 Online Games
* 21.4 Portals
* 21.5 Search Engines
* 21.6 Social Media
* 21.7 Blogs
* 21.8 Electronic Commerce
* 21.9 Approaches to the Web